Yves Tennevin / esby.free.fr
Maintainer: esby at freenode irc
CelticDruid MPC & FFDShow build mirror
CelticDruid (other build) mirror
Dota AllStars Unofficial Download location (A custom warcraft III map)
drag & drop utility to create m3u files containing list of mp3 files
from directory containing these.
with a console counterpart.
If anyone can find a better description for these two little tools, feel free to tell it to me
see discussion here
version 0.2
Modified version of nandub rc2 by esby.
mainly different antishit and a few new minor encoding features (eg: logfiles)
check textfile for more information
Nandub ndy build 2461
Nandub Ndy 2461 Source Code, incremental version from nandub rc2 source code.
Last version
last changefile
A set of two dll that allows interconnecting Mirc with a servU 2.5 ftp server.
It's an old realization, but if anyone need something like that, feel free to get it...
It should be working with the recent version of servU too.
Download executable + sources (500kb)
It's a delphi GUI to use with btmanager,
a tool managing bittorrent threads.
Last version : v7 - added a 'pure leecher' feature - autoclose seed
A dota replay parser written in Delphi:
Main features:
- Parsing of leaving/disconnecting times.
- Parsing of AFK times.
- Parsing of Chatlog.
- Parsing of heroes and skills picked.
- Parsing of Items bought.
- Minimap ping parsing.
- map command related trigger parsing.
* Juliusz 'Julas' Gonera php script, as I started porting his script in delphi.
* the WarCraft III Replay file and actions format description, both by blue & nagger.
* the php parser version of rush (from rush4hire.com) for the dota hero and items parser.
Troubleshooting (404 FAQ) (new url FAQ).
Bugs, feature requests.
Banlist.nl related discussion here.
Maybe what you are searching is here.
download links below:
This file is now obsolete - ClipTool is now included in the recent installer of dW3gParser.
This modificated version of avs 2.55 allows to use directStreaming
when it is possible.
current 'version': v9
based on: avisynth 2.55 release
@Developers: Do not build filters using this version.
This version is intended for technical purpose,
and not for concurrencing avisynth normal development in any way.
Read "DSynth in Avisynth 2.55 - explanation.txt" for technical explanations.
you can access to DSynth old version... (based on avs 0.3)
'AviSynth in Dsynth' dll rared -
AviSynth in Dsynth sources rared. - only src directory
Some technical differences for the source used and modified for version v9:
Avisplicer is a tool that generates avs files.
FExtractor is a tool that generates avs files,
those files are generated with (obsolete) drf info (div3) and basic frame info
and with an optionnal list of dropped frames present in the file,
and with the timing that have the other frames.
those files should be used with DSynth...
Special avisynth version that only operates in direct stream mode
Meaning, serving only compressed frames
It is linked to .avd files, and uses another GUID than avisynth,
so both can coexist together...
still in alpha stage
A GUI allowing to:
* encode an avs file to an avi using avs2.avi...
* splice easily and automatically an existing encoded avi file, supposing you still have the source...
* run & queue some ssim test via the corresponding ssim filter.
WARNING: Alpha version - no source released yet - and not bugfree.
Technical implementation:
GUI: Delphi
using a modification of avs2avi 1.37 (-r option)
and using DSynth for direct streaming...
tool to batch resize images from tiff format to jpg.
tool to batch resize images from tiff format to jpg.
Drag&drop and sendTo options since 0.5
batchResizer handle images in a zip since 0.6
0.8 fixed a bug when processing the files
(the last file of each folder was not processed)
0.8b enable no resize option...
check readme.txt for more details.
application able to:
* correct specifical frames in a video via
- GIMP editing of png/jpg/bmp captured frames
- avs script generation, using frame freezing
* generate ecf according to scenechange & ssa script
lbkiller v.21.rc2b - legacy version candidate - bugfixes to v.21.rc2b
check toDo.txt for the complete list of fixes/changes.
Here are a few samples extracted from some gantz scans,
and colored by myself.
I don't know about the rights to do this kind of work,
but I'm doing it more as a tribute to this great manga (in some way)
that is gantz.
BEWARE, gantz is an adult related manga,
and not suitable for children.
So you are warned
The script used to generate this page